Saturday, March 03, 2007

New Wheels!

I am officially driving a car after years of driving a SUV. This is my new ride. It is a 2007 Toyota Camry SE. It was voted Motor Trends Car of the Year for 2007. It has amazing conveniences such as Blue Tooth technology so that my phone hooks into the car stereo automatically without any wires, has a plug for an IPOD and the radio is a MP3 player. It has Excellent safety features. The main reason we went from me driving the Sequoia to work to driving this, Better Gas Mileage! I am very happy, My Husband sacrificed his Tundra so that we could keep the Sequoia. I wonder what he wants?! Sorry about the lag time between posts, I seem to be spending every spare moment @! What a fun and exciting site. Grand Opening is March 9th. I will be on-line participating in all the fun while scrapping away. Off to do some more LOs to post in Tally Scrappers gallery!

1 comment:

ChristyR said...

Very nice! I think you guys get more new cars then anyone else I know! Very pretty Mandy!