Saturday, February 10, 2007


I think that life teaches you how to be a friend even in the hardest of times. This is Melissa my BFF. She is engaged to my husband's brother. To make a long story short... Jamie and I have been trying to concieve a child for a LONG time, we are now in our 6th month of infertility treatments. Yesterday I found out that Melissa is pregnant with her second. Of course I was upset. Not upset that she was pregnant. I am happy for her, but even more upset with myself. It stinks to feel inadequate as a women. We have yearned for a baby and it seems so easy for the ones around us. I know as a Friend I need and will support her, smile for her. and be there 100%. After all her biggest concern was my heartache.

Then there was Tricia my other BFF right there to pick me up and make me Smile!

Nothing like a good scrapbooking retreat to brighten your spirits! Tricia and I are heading of to a Lodge with 9 other women for a weekend of cropping! It is going to be fun! I would like to finish up 2006! We check in Friday!


ChristyR said...

It will come Mandy, don't give up! I love ya girl! Ummm love the layouts! You know what I love about you? Your ability to love. As someone whose been the in-law I am amazed at your level of love for the Baker family. You treat everyone the same. You just love them. It shows thru your art, your scrap pages, have fun with my BFF. I love you too.

itsjustshannon said...

Oh Mandy....sorry for the heartache that you are going through but like Christine said don't give up. Several of my friends have had issues too and I am happy to say of the three friends I had with the issues...all three now have children. It can sometimes be a long road but it will be worth it in the end.

Love the pages too!

Tina Schadone said...

I went through this for 6 years after concieving with no problem. 4 IVF treaments and no luck. Then on my own it happened... don't eveer give up. i know u hear this alot and it is hard but... it is true. I wanted more after that too. and finally I had no choice but to give up physically but I still have an open heart for for some other way.... :)