Monday, March 26, 2007

It was Beautiful Today! I find myself saying "Beautiful" a lot lately. My 2nd presentation went great today. Once again I hope I made an impression. Went to Dinner with my Mom. When we got home the whole Fam (the Zoo) went outside. That is a picture of Carson, he is an African Grey Parrot. Poor thing can't fly worth a lick. The DH thought he could give him flying lessons. I did get this beautiful shot. His landings suck. Poor thing clutched to me and wouldn't let go after the third toss. He's not talking to the DH right now. Now I am off to do a LO to post on TallyScrapper, and then bed.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Productive Weekend

Had a Busy weekend. Got a lot accomplished and was even able to squeeze in some scrapping. There was a challenge on Tally Scrapper to do a LO using office supplies. Love it. So on the first LO I used everything from notebook paper to white out! Yes white out! The second LO is of me and I rarely ever do that. Since being a member of the community at Tally Scrapper I have challenged myself in many ways and have developed a style that I really like. I have my second presentation on Monday and then it will be done. I hope I do well again. I did get a new Outfit for it!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I've been playing...

with my new Heidi Swapp products. Love the XL Ghost Clocks. I Took this picture this past August. We were looking at houses and we really liked this house. It was the day we put our home in Oak Garden on the market.

If Jamie isn't sleeping or showering, then he's on that d*** phone! Got to Love him!

Friday, March 23, 2007

I Got Mail

Received my first Tally Scrapper order. I cannot wait to play. TGIF! What a week. I made it through all the meetings and training. My Presentation went Perfect! I was so nervous. I hope I Impressed the Boss.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Loving Green & Orange!

Had tons of fun on Tally Scrapper tonight. Lots of challenges and not enough time. I've never scrapped so fast in my life! I submitted this LO for the Pattern Paper challenge. I love the circles. The bucket is for a swap I am in. I can't wait to see the goodies that I will get.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

New Wheels!

I am officially driving a car after years of driving a SUV. This is my new ride. It is a 2007 Toyota Camry SE. It was voted Motor Trends Car of the Year for 2007. It has amazing conveniences such as Blue Tooth technology so that my phone hooks into the car stereo automatically without any wires, has a plug for an IPOD and the radio is a MP3 player. It has Excellent safety features. The main reason we went from me driving the Sequoia to work to driving this, Better Gas Mileage! I am very happy, My Husband sacrificed his Tundra so that we could keep the Sequoia. I wonder what he wants?! Sorry about the lag time between posts, I seem to be spending every spare moment @! What a fun and exciting site. Grand Opening is March 9th. I will be on-line participating in all the fun while scrapping away. Off to do some more LOs to post in Tally Scrappers gallery!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Spring in the Air

It has Been Beautiful here in Virginia the past few days. Mid to upper 50's in February. I can't believe we haven't had a ground covering snow all Winter. KoKo is our Umbrella Cock-a-too. He loves to walk the railing of the deck and be outside. He has an unbelievable personality. We rescued him in Florida. He is 5 years old a had a few bad habits. I felt so sorry for him. He was in a garage in Florida with fans blowing on him. We took a risk and brought him home. Needless to say we LOVE him. He is a sweet bird. He talks, sings, yells (that would be a bad habit), dances, and loves to play tug-of-war.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Check it out!

There is a HOT New scrapbooking web store/community that I am ADDICTED to!

Go to Tally Scrapper to see my layouts from the retreat. Simply click on the Gallery button. I am Cropalicious! The LOs are titled "Mischief, FABULOUS, and The Gals"

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

We had a great time at the retreat. The view was magnificent. The river was nearly frozen on top. Slept on a king sized water bed for the first time in 10 years. I was sea sick! Every time either I or Tricia would move we'd say "Sorry". I Soooo love my bed!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Ready to go!

I am all packed and ready to go! I'll be cropping from 11:00am Friday till noon on Sunday. I hope to get a lot done. There is a computer at the lodge, so I maybe able to post something.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, February 10, 2007


I think that life teaches you how to be a friend even in the hardest of times. This is Melissa my BFF. She is engaged to my husband's brother. To make a long story short... Jamie and I have been trying to concieve a child for a LONG time, we are now in our 6th month of infertility treatments. Yesterday I found out that Melissa is pregnant with her second. Of course I was upset. Not upset that she was pregnant. I am happy for her, but even more upset with myself. It stinks to feel inadequate as a women. We have yearned for a baby and it seems so easy for the ones around us. I know as a Friend I need and will support her, smile for her. and be there 100%. After all her biggest concern was my heartache.

Then there was Tricia my other BFF right there to pick me up and make me Smile!

Nothing like a good scrapbooking retreat to brighten your spirits! Tricia and I are heading of to a Lodge with 9 other women for a weekend of cropping! It is going to be fun! I would like to finish up 2006! We check in Friday!

Picked up some card board letters at Recollections when I was in Northern Va. with Tricia and Christine. Here is the finished product. I must say I really like the Mod-Podge, I can't wait to try some canvas scrappin art. I put these beauties on a shelf in our entry way.

Here are some recent layouts!!!!

Rewarding Career...

For all who do not know, I am a Therapist and the Director of Rehab. Here is my team (minus one). We are taking a picture with one of our rehab graduates. This man recovered after a severe car accident that was not his fault. He had a multitude of injuries. He went through 4 months of therapy 5 days a week. It was so wonderful to visit him at his home for his Birthday. It is a nice feeling to know that you have a positive impact on each and every patient's life. I am fortunate to what I LOVE! Helping others.

Monday, January 01, 2007

I can't believe it is 2007! Wow, 2006 flew by. I am excited to see what is ahead for us this year. I have set several goals for myself. It s always nice to have something to strive for.
I hope that everyone has a blessed year and wish you luck with your own goals.

Tricia and I was able to squeeze some scrappin into our incredibly busy week! Here is my collection of layouts! We had an excellent Time! We also made a LONG trip to Northren Virginia to meet up with Christine for some good food and